Contractor: Združenie Dobšiná T-H-V-P-E, pod vedením vedúceho združenia TuCon, a.s.
Project Value: 8 999 026,42 € excl. VAT
Commencement Date: 18 December 2014
Completion Date: 15 December 2015
Project Description
The purpose and objective of the construction is to carry out the construction supervision during the construction of sewerage network in the Dobšiná city in total length of 8996 m, which consists of collector sewers and a wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 5646 PE. The construction consists of building objects: SO 01 buildings in the area of WWTP, SO 02 WWTP drain object SO 03 Electrical connection for waste water treatment plants SO 04 Access road to the WWTP and paved surfaces SO 05 The sewerage network SO 06 Removing the existing HV connection in length 160 m induced investment. In addition, the operational units PS-01 Technological equipment for wastewater treatment plants and electrical equipment waste water treatment plant were also realized in the project.
Our company carried out the construction and technical supervision in the team of proffessionals, as follows:
• Leader of Construction Supervision team of experts
• Construction Supervision Engineer for sewers
• Construction Supervision Engineer for wastewater treatment plant
• Non-key specialists: expert in the field of machine-technological works, expert in the field of electrical engineering work, surveyor, geologist, geotechnical engineer, etc.